Friday, March 29, 2013

Last Journal Entry - Reading Experience

Journal Entry # 5
Topic: Last Journal Entry - Reading Experince
Date & Time: Fri, March 289, 2013 at 9:28 PM
Place:  McDonalds West Ave. Q.C.

"Lumbay ng Dila" and "Please Look After Mother" were both great novels. "Lumbay ng Dila" was the very first Filipino novel that I have ever read in my entire life, moreover; I consider it the longest and really the first ever that I have ever read. At first when I bought the book, I though it was just gonna be another waste, like what I use to do in high school. Back in high school I buy books because it was required to read, but I never get to finish the book, and some I never even get to the 4th page of the story. It gets laid aside. I end up reading the summaries in the internet for the book report. But this time it was different. Maybe it was because I have changed now that's why. I was lazy back then in high school, but now in college I was more responsible than ever, and I realized the value of money. I didn't want to waste my parents money, especially now that my dad doesn't have a job anymore because he resigned. In addition to that, I was desperate in wanting to have a 4.0 grade in this subject and also in my other subjects. I wanted to be a first honors deans lister again, for the last time, since this term is my last opportunity to be a deans lister.

My reading experience was really cool. I never understood the joy of reading until I was able to try it myself. Normally when I read, I was more concerned of the pages, rather than the story. At first, I thought I would end up doing that, counting pages for every chapter while reading, but then as I read I start to get into the book. I was still counting pages, but not as usual as I do, and there was now a craving for me to read the next page, without noticing how many pages more were left to finish the chapter I was particularly in. There was really a lingering between the pages. Based on my experience from the two novels, I was able to come up to the conclusion that every book has a boring part, similar to movies. All the while, I thought that maybe there are books that aren't boring. I've also realized you really can't judge a book by its cover. This reading experience has taught me a lot of lessons, most importantly, it taught me the value and importance of novels, the impact it can give to people.

Like I said, both novels were great. If I were to rate them I'd both give them a 10, however I would refuse to compare them. Every novel has their own story and lesson. I was really glad that I was able to read the books, and realize a lot of things. Both books touched me in a different way. It taught me different lessons and made me realize a lot of things, things I couldn't even imagine. Definitely, I would recommend them. I actually recommended it already to my other friends and to my mom.

After reading the novel, I still feel the lingering. Now, there's a part of me that wants to read another novel after reading another. During this time, to finish the novel I would usually read on my way to school or on the way home. I actually liked reading while travelling. I also read when I have nothing to do, and it was fun. I remember one time reading the book during a seminar, because I got bored of the talk. Now, when I find myself in those circumstances again, I would wish that I have a book with me. It's like at first, reading was a requirement, then in the end it becomes a habit. Habits are hard to break! So now I'm planning to buy and read a new novel. This lingering or craving is bothering me. Maybe you could suggest one? :))